
Chord 1

Chord 2

Most Common Chords after Chord 2

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About aCHORDingly

aCHORDingly is the brainchild of Cinco Swim Solutions Cinco Swim

As a beginner guitarist, what are the most common chord changes to know? This app will allow the user to learn the most popular chord patterns in music. Useful for beginners who only know two or three chords.

Most of us have had the experience of wanting to learn a few songs. And we soon see that there are chords and chord diagrams that we need to figure out. It’s easy to get overwhelmed! aCHORDingly focuses on an important subset skill: putting two or three chords together. You select a chord and practice that.

Our app then suggests a probable second chord. You can then practice putting the two chords together to build fluency. And perhaps choose a third chord to add or try a new session. Before long, you will begin to develop the dexterity and aural skills to tackle those songs!

aCHORDingly: we know this approach really builds key abilities.

See How It Works for more details. And happy CHORDing!

Using aCHORDingly

aCHORDingly helps you learn how to connect chords, an important skillset in learning songs. When you choose Chord1, our application suggests Chord2, as well as some alternative options. The application also returns a list of other probable chords based on your choices.

See About aCHORDingly for a brief introduction to its goal and purpose.

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