
Code Churn Chart

valueMay 07May 14May 21May 28Jun 04Jun 1102468101214Change size
What does this chart show?
This chart shows the amount of changes in VCS by day/week/month. The idea is to see overall trend of the project. (Similar to github contributors graph but without interpolation.)
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Amount Of Committers Chart

May 07May 14May 21May 28Jun 04Jun 1100. of committers
What does this chart show?
This chart shows how many different people committed over month/week/day. The idea is to see the amount of people contributing to the project.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Committers Changing Same Files Graph

What does this graph show?
This graph shows committers connections to files they have both changed within a week. That is if file was modified by two persons within a week, a link is added. The is idea is to discover how people "communicate" through changing same files.
alt+click or alt+shift+click to remove node or group of nodes
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Amount Of Commits By Committer

May 07May 14May 21May 28Jun 04Jun 110123456789Amount of commits
What does this chart show?
This chart shows amount of commits by people who committed the most. The idea is to see who and when made biggest impact on project. (Please avoid this chart if someone might want to attribute amount of commits to personal 'performance'.)
Tip: alt+click checkboxes to exclude committers.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Amount Of TODOs Chart

Amount of todos
What does this chart show?
This chart shows amount of added/removed TODOs in all changed files over day/week/month. The idea is to see how much of the project is still in "unfinished" state. (Note that this is not absolute amount of TODOs in the whole project.)
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Amount Of Files In Commit Chart

May 07May 14May 21May 28Jun 04Jun 1100. of files in commit
What does this chart show?
This chart shows average amount of files in commit by day/week/month. Assuming that commit is a finished unit of work, the idea is to see how its size changes over time.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Amount Of Changing Files Chart

unchangedrecently changedMay 07May 14May 21May 28Jun 04Jun 11Jun 1805101520253035Changed files
What does this chart show?
This chart shows amount of files changed/not-changed within last week/month. The idea is too see how big the change is relative to the size of codebase. This can also be interpreted in the context of open-closed principle as amount of "open" and "closed" classes.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Change Size By File Type Chart

txthtmlcsvmdOtherMay 07May 14May 21May 28Jun 04Jun 1102468101214Change size
What does this chart show?
This chart shows amount of changes for 5 most used file types. The idea is to see which languages / parts of project are used and how it evolved over time. For example, how much of "java" project is really java and how much is xml/properties.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Files In The Same Commit Graph

What does this graph show?
This graph shows files which were changed in the same commit several times. Thickness of edges is proportional to the number of commits. The idea is to discover de facto dependencies between files. You can click on nodes to see file names in cluster.
alt+click or alt+shift+click to remove node or group of nodes
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Changes Treemap

[project root](92)positionality.txt(9)marcuse-notes.txt(8)one-dimensional-man.txt(7)docs(7)class-notes_marcus.txt(5)index.html(5)Heidegger - The question concerning technology in-class(5)notes-from-may-11.txt(5)virilio_great_accelerator.txt(4)simondon_reading_notes.txt(4)notes_marcuse_one-dimensional-man.txt(3)README.md(3)positionality-discussion.txt(2)manifesto.txt(2).gitignore(2)sketch(1)stiegler_notes.txt(1)log.csv(1)logfile.log(1)code-maat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar(1)test(1)logfile.csv(1)essay(1)terminology_marcuse.txt(1)notes(1)marcuse_discussion_and_questions.txt(1)Srnicek_Platform_capitalism.txt(1)positionality-discussion_in-class.txt(1)Jay-Gouldings_western-eastern_Terminology.txt(1)reed.txt(1)the_labor_of_the_inhuman.txt(1)notes_on_heidegger_positionality.txt(1)notes_on_negri.txt(1)mining(1)code-maat.csv(1)SPTH-6155_Syllabus-Annotated.pdf(1)
What does this treemap show?
It shows project structure with folders sized by
amount of file changes or amount of unique committers.

Amount of file changes can be useful to see the most actively changed parts of project (note that amount of file changes is not the same as amount of commits in folder).
Amount of unique committers can show parts of project with highest/lowest amount of collaboration (note that amount of unique committers in parent folder is not the sum of its children's amount because of overlap between sets of committers).

Folders/files which are too small to be displayed are merged into '[...]' tile under their parent.The size of tiles in treemap is only proportional within parent tile.
click/alt+click to descend/ascend, shift+click to expand/collapse

Commit Time Punchcard

What does this chart show?
This chart shows amount of commits made at certain time and day of week. Each circle represents a group of commits. Each circle's area is proportional to the amount of commits. The idea is to see overall pattern of commit times (e.g. no commits at lunch time) or spot commits happening at unusual time.

Time Between Commits Histogram

33 min1 hour1 hour2 hours2 hours3 hours3 hours4 hours5 hours5 hours6 hours6 hours7 hours0123456789Amount of commits

Commit Messages Word Chart

May 07May 14May 21May 28Jun 04Jun 11012345678910Amount of words
What does this chart show?
This chart shows the amount of most frequently used words in commit messages. The idea is to see trends in project history which are captured in human language.
(Inpired by this TED talk.)
alt+click checkbox to exclude words
Unfortunately, there is nothing to show.

Commit Messages Word Cloud

alt+click to exclude a word