Imaginative Ethnography

Michael Palumbo
December 20, 2017
THST6329: Performance Ethnography
Professor Magda Kazubowski-Houston

This website represents an effort to experiment with form towards the presentation of ideas generated and collected over the progression of several course-related activities, including: the Black Creek imaginitive ethnographic walk; a group-based workshop that convened the following week to discuss respective experiences and insights into the walk; a website created and maintained by members of the group as a remote collaboration, parasite, and synthesis of ideas; and an in-class presentation and discussion of the website. This paper also reflects on matters of reflexivity, power and representation in writing. A major component of this paper's experiment was in determining how to represent how it, as a document, changed over the course of its composition process. The result is this web page, which hosts the imaginitive ethnography paper, along with each of its saved versions, as well as companion documents that detail what those changes were. For example, below is an earlier saved version of the paper, followed by a list of what changed in the next version.

An earlier draft of the paper (save #65):

A detailed list of what changed, where '+' represents additions, and '-' represents deletions:

To view all of the versions of this imaginitive ethnography, click this link.

To read the rest of the imaginitive ethnography, please click here.